Shocking Big Pharma Scam Exposed¹…They’ve bought over the doctors, hospitals, and pharmacies…AND Patients pay the bill with their HEALTH and SAVINGS.

Discover How You Can Escape This Corrupt Healthcare System… With ‘Suppressed Medicine’ That Has Remedied Millions From Japan, Indonesia, China and The Middle East. 
These suppressed medical remedies…

- Have reduced tinnitus² and the incessant ringing in your ears

- Reduced joint discomfort and supported a healthy inflammation response without NSAIDs or painkillers…

- And they can even trigger your body’s feel good hormone³ known as GABA… which acts as an all-natural painkiller and mood booster that works naturally (without side effects).

The reason why you’ve never heard of these remedies…

Is because doctors, physicians, and even pharmacies have been BOUGHT over by big pharma.

The hippocratic oath that doctors swear by… has NEVER protected you.

Nazis even used the hippocratic oath to justify their cruel experiments… simply because they thought it was ‘right’... and that it would ‘help’ their patients.

Now big pharma is using the exact same hippocratic oath - to hold pharmacists and doctors at ‘gunpoint’, so that they can raise their drug prices while you pay the price.

More than ever, doctors and pharmacists are being used as ‘distributors’ in the big pharma cartel…

Exploiting you when you need medical care the most.

One pharmacist in New York in 2019, was forced by a ‘Gag Order⁴’ Contract that legally silenced him from showing patients cheaper and more affordable drug options in the market.

For example, the standard diabetes drug metformin, would normally be sold at $4…

But with big pharma’s Gag Order contract⁵… they were forced to artificially raise prices to $10 a bottle.

Why could they do this?

It’s simply because they control the entire pharmaceutical supply…

And if pharmacists and distributors don’t listen and play nice… big pharma will take away their rights to sell their product… and pass it on to the next pharmacy that’s willing to raise their price.

This short presentation is my confession to being part of the Big Pharma Scam.
These suppressed medical remedies…

- Have eliminated tinnitus² and the incessant ringing in your ears

- Healed rheumatoid arthritis without NSAIDs or painkillers…

- And they can even trigger your body’s feel good hormone³ known as GABA… which acts as an all-natural painkiller that works even better than morphine ( without the side effects).

The reason why you’ve never heard of these remedies…

Is because doctors, physicians, and even pharmacies have been BOUGHT over by big pharma.

The hippocratic oath that doctors swear by… has NEVER protected you.

Nazis even used the hippocratic oath to justify their cruel experiments… simply because they thought it was ‘right’... and that it would ‘help’ their patients.

Now big pharma is using the exact same hippocratic oath - to hold pharmacists and doctors at ‘gunpoint’, so that they can raise their drug prices while you pay the price.

More than ever, doctors and pharmacists are being used as ‘distributors’ in the big pharma cartel…
Exploiting you when you need medical care the most.

One pharmacist in New York in 2019, was forced by a ‘Gag Order⁴’ Contract that legally silenced him from showing patients cheaper and more affordable drug options in the market.

For example, the standard diabetes drug metformin, would normally be sold at $4…

But with big pharma’s Gag Order contract⁵… they were forced to artificially raise prices to $10 a bottle.
Why could they do this?

It’s simply because they control the entire pharmaceutical supply…

And if pharmacists and distributors don’t listen and play nice… big pharma will take away their rights to sell their product… and pass it on to the next pharmacy that’s willing to raise their price.

This short presentation is my confession to being part of the Big Pharma Scam.
My name is Dr Freddie Masaki… or you may know me as Mr Freddie Masaki

Very soon, you’ll find out why I gave up my medical profession because of the harm that it was doing.

I saw how corporate greed had completely taken over big pharma…
In fact, the CEO of the hospital that I used to work at was making 1.43 million dollars⁶ EVERY single year,

While I was just getting by barely being able to feed my beautiful wife and 2 kids.

And I was feeding his machine…

Harming my patients with big pharma’s prescriptions… and it was so bad, I wanted to throw up at their malpractices…

Big Pharma’s ‘Head Honcho’ executive Martin Skhreli had jacked up the price of Daraprim from $13.50 to $750… bankrupting the patients who needed it most.

And my faith in the healthcare system was torn apart when I saw the consequences of following the ‘system’ that I had learned in med school.

When I was working at the hospital…I had a patient come in with a bad case of rheumatoid arthritis.

Johnny’s joints were aching, and his immune system was eating into his cartilage.

He was living in pain, every single day - he couldn’t walk, he barely could move and he had his life taken away from him by this terrible disease…

And I administered the ‘usual advice’ which was to provide him with Oxycontin, and NSAIDs. 

In just weeks, my medical ‘advice’ had torn him apart.

I saw his condition get progressively worse… and every time he came back,

He needed a higher dose of painkillers, as his body had grown used to the dosage.

I told him that I couldn’t give him any more prescriptions…because he was going close to overdosing…
And he didn’t stop when I said no.

Soon after, Johnny began doctor shopping, hopping from physician to physician, just so that he could get his dose of pain-relief medicine.

And as his addiction grew worse…

His wife would call me to help him… and I didn’t know the answer.

It was as if she couldn’t recognise him anymore, and she had to be on call 24/7 just to support him throughout the day.

His dependence on painkillers made him drowsy, impairing his ability to speak… and he even needed her help to tie his shoes.

What started off as a case of RA… turned into a life-stealing opioid addiction that made him a walking ‘zombie’.

Something was TERRIBLY wrong with the healthcare system.

And while doing my research… filled with doubt about my very own medical profession…

I discovered that most of our doctors and ‘procedures’ were secretly killing America's seniors!
In a study where doctors went on strike in 1976 to 2003⁷… they found that the mortality rate had dropped, because there were less surgeries, less ‘emergency treatments’...

And patients had the opportunity to recover on their own.

With Johnny set on the dark path filled with opioid abuse…

I questioned my values…

 ‘Was I part of this broken system… designed to exploit the most Needy and vulnerable for profits?’

I remembered that on the day I graduated from medical school…

I had promised to care for my patients, to give them only the best… and to nurse them back to health.

Never once could I even imagine being someone who was part of a system that preyed on the weak and vulnerable…
And this guilt began to eat inside me.

I no longer knew what I was fighting so hard for.

In that dark moment, I remembered my grandma’s precious words of wisdom… to go back to my roots, and to do what was right- no matter how painful that choice would be.

With my prestigious position as a doctor, came great responsibility to heal the sick.

I decided to pack my bags, and begin my journey to save America’s Healthcare system.

This sparked my world tour to help those in need… providing medical relief to natural disaster sites.

I traveled to hell on earth, where no other sane doctor would dare go.

While most sane doctors stayed in their cushy clinics, I had enough of America’s broken healthcare system, and I wanted to find a better way to heal the sick…

I traveled to Haiti to provide support for the victims of the earthquakes in August…

Provided relief to the victims of Cyclone Tauktae in India
And I went to Nepal to support the victims of flash floods…

And met some of the world's best doctors, who were on the ground - terribly understaffed… but were still ABLE to nurse their patients back to full health…

Without big pharma’s deadly, profit driven prescriptions.

And my travels to ‘hell on earth’ led me to discover the remedies that big pharma has been trying so hard to suppress from the public.

I saw how these ‘disaster doctors’ gave their patients a full recovery, with a few simple herbs, tinctures, and natural remedies that they were able to find and create when their patients needed it most…

and I begged every single doctor that I met to share their secrets with me.

Johnny’s dark opioid addiction had been stuck in the back of my mind…

And as I consulted doctor after doctor…

Looking through the studies that they used to develop their remedies…

I had found this ‘vasodilating’⁸ remedy for Johnny’s RA - when I was in Nepal. It was an ancient Chinese cure that had been brought to the border…

And they were using it to heal the elderly patients all across their clinics.

I was determined to bring this remedy back to America.

I got in touch with Johnny once again… 

I told him exactly what to look for, how to apply this special cream– that’s not glucosamine or chondroitin…

And within just 3 weeks, he got off his opioid prescription - took back control of his life, and started living again.
The ‘vasodilating’ remedy originated from Traditional Chinese Medicine had WORKED!

It’s been around for centuries… used by chinese emperors, and it’s a common herbal remedy all across asian cultures…

This remedy has been proven to open up the blood vessels⁹ in between your joints… and it’s even verified by the University of Tasmania in Australia.
It allows a fresh flow of oxygen to come rushing into your joints, opening them up– giving you the pain-free life that you deserve.

It’s approved by the FDA…

Passed multiple double blind clinical trials…

And was the secret to Johnny’s stunning RA recovery

He even wrote to me about his speedy recovery…

“Thank you so much Mr. Masaki. I could never have gotten off those painkillers without you. I can go back to my life, and spend time with my wife and children! I’ve never felt this mobile and free in YEARS, and it's all thanks to your advice.”

I realized that I had struck a goldmine of natural remedies that actually worked and I wanted to bring it all together into one comprehensive guide. 
I would focus on the research, making sure that every natural remedy I had put into the book was verified… and do the work, cross referencing hundreds of medical journals, from Asia, The United States, Turkey And even The United Kingdom… 

I knew I couldn’t do it on my own, and I needed a team to help me get this guide to you today. 

During my medical shifts in the makeshift hospital tents…

I had met up with Kenny and Wen Li, who traveled all the way from Singapore to these disaster sites all across Asia.

And just like me, they were on a mission to heal the sick and needy… because they had lost many loved ones to deadly diseases like Cancer, Diabetes, and other avoidable health complications.

They wanted to find remedies too, and they were true believers of natural healthcare!

Going the extra mile, to get their hands on the ground– even if it meant risking their lives.

In the short breaks we had together,
between the hectic flow of emergency cases coming in…
healing one patient at a time…

I found out that they had helped over a million lives to gain access to high quality medical research, through their publishing company, 365 Daily Health…

Using research from prestigious universities like Harvard, Johns Hopkins Medicine in their newsletter.

And that’s why I partnered up with Kenny & Wen Li From 365 Daily Health To Publish The Remedies That I Had Found During My World Tour… Into what I proudly call… The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies.

Not only does it contain the ‘vasodilating’ remedy to rheumatoid arthritis that Johnny used to ‘kick’ his opioid addiction when nothing else worked…

It also contains the remedy to…


Nerve damage…


And a Latin herb that ‘flushes out’ uric acid from your joints even reversing the damage that gout can do to your joints.

In The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies…

You’re given instructions on how to get this miracle gout remedy, over the counter for less than $10…

And this latin herb can be taken in tea form- once your body ingests this cure…

Your body will begin to break down the toxic uric acid in your joints that’s causing those painful, swelling flare ups.

In fact, this gout flushing tea¹⁰ has even been recommended and verified by The Arthritis Foundation.

German Researchers from the Lodz University of Technology found that this tea is extremely high in polyphenols,

Which ALSO stops calcium deposits from forming in your joints…

You’ll also discover a simple ‘back pain’ Remedy on page 130 that costs less than $50 to use…and doesn’t involve
invasive surgeries or injections…

And with the knowledge inside this book…

You’ll find out the remedies that the disaster doctors have used to nurse their patients back to full health…

Without any of big pharma’s deadly profit driven prescriptions.

This includes all-natural recipes and health protocols like
  • Natural herbs¹¹ that are chemically similar to over the counter statins…
  • The best supplements to take for gout and arthritis…
  • And ingredients that can heal heart disease – which you can find at your local grocery store
With these natural remedies…

You’ll be able to skip the expensive trips to the doctor, and you’ll find a natural remedies to every single one of your ailments.

And in just a moment…

I’m going to blow the lid on big pharma’s biggest ‘profit centers’...

And show you the all natural remedies to…
Support cardiovascular health…

Keeping your arteries clean from deadly clogs...


Delay the onset of dementia and cognitive decline…

Type 2 Diabetes…

Pancreatic attacks…

and low energy levels…

These remedies have been backed up by hundreds of clinical studies, from

- The Journal of the American College of Nutrition¹²,
- Ankara University School of Medicine Ibni Sina Hospital.
- Infectious disease clinics of North America.
- Otolaryngologic clinics of North America,
- The American journal of gastroenterology,
- Central European journal of public health
- and many other health journals from all over the world, including Turkey, India and China…

These insights that you’re about to receive have passed the ‘gold standard’ of academic rigor…

And they have been tested on the field in disaster situations…

And by doctors all around the world, while being free from big pharma’s influence.

So please continue to read this letter to discover how big pharma has been exploiting America’s health crisis… and the natural remedies that you can start using TODAY… as I go over each of their ‘profit centers’.

Discover the TRUTH about statins and cholesterol…
Every year Big Pharma Rakes In 5.8 BILLION dollars from selling statins… 

Even though they KNOW that statins cause muscle pains, headaches, dizziness…

Gastrointestinal problems¹³..

and in some cases,

Even worsening the symptoms of arthritis… in up to 20% of patients!
And these dangerous drugs continue to be pushed… when an all natural ‘chemically identical’ statin exists in Japan.

It has similar effects to lovastatin without the side effects,

And it’s known as monacolin K.

This Japanese heart disease fighting extract has been around since 300BC…

And it’s one of the leading factors as to why Japan¹⁴ has one of the longest life expectancies in the world, and the second lowest rates of heart attack too!
This means that you can skip the triple bypass surgery, and you’ll never have to worry about a pacemaker being installed inside you.

On page 111, you’ll also discover a ‘natural sweetener¹⁵’ that clears your arteries, lowers your blood sugar… and boosts your mood.

It's like a natural drano washing flushing out the plaque in your arteries…
Increasing blood flow to your heart, protecting you from deadly strokes and trips to the emergency room.

In this guide, you’ll also discover a healthy type of fat that ‘absorbs’ the LDL cholesterol in your arteries… carries them out into your liver… and flushes it out of your system…

Allowing you to have clear ‘18 year old’ arteries.

With these heart disease remedies you’re about to discover…

You’ll have the freedom to travel the world, go on hikes…

Spend quality time with your loved ones and grandchildren,
without the fear of over-exerting yourself and getting a heart attack.

Up next, I’ve discovered the
REAL cause behind tinnitus…

In most cases, your ears are perfectly fine!

A recent study from Georgetown University Medical Center¹⁶ reveals that it’s all about blood flow to your ears.
When there’s too much blood flow… or too little blood flow in your ears…
It sends a ‘neurological signal’ to your brain indicating a ‘false positive’ sound…

Causing you to hear that ‘ringing’, ‘buzzing’ noise that interferes with every part of your day.

And that’s why the remedy to tinnitus is as simple as improving the blood flow to your ears…

With this blood pressure regulating herb known as ginkgo biloba¹⁷- it balances your blood pressure… and restores your hearing.

You can buy this at any local grocery store, or even get it in extract form from supplements.

On page 54, I’ve also included an acupressure technique that ‘releases’ the blood pressure in your ears… that has the same restorative effect on your hearing.

And I’ve also included another Chinese ‘pressure point’ technique, which also increases the blood flow to your ears.

In fact, this ‘pressure point technique’ is an science that has been practiced for over 2000 years,

and it’s commonly used all across Asia to treat a variety of health concerns, and even helps with kidney issues.
I've also included 4 other tinnitus remedies¹⁸ that you can use immediately once you get The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies.

On top of that… You’ll no longer have to worry about growing old and forgetting about where you placed your keys,

You’ll know that even in your golden years, you’ll be just as sharp as when you were a teenager…

And you don't have to worry about your treasured heartfelt memories being erased as you age...

Every precious moment that you have, will stay with you for the rest of your life once you start using these…

7 natural remedies to protect your memory…

Stimulate new neuron growth in your brain…

so that your mind remains just as sharp and quick.

Here are 3 steps that you can take right now to protect your mind.

You see, your mind is like a sponge– and when it grows older, it begins to harden, and brain loses its elasticity…

Or as scientist call it ‘neuroplasticity’

This is why it’s easy for a 5 year old to pick up a new language…

Simply because their mind is still ‘fresh’ and able to form new ideas and connections quickly…

Absorbing information like a sponge…

And MCT oil²¹ helps you to ‘soften the tissue’ in your mind, and create new neuron connections.

In fact, it’s like a brain ‘superfuel’… with chess players from all over the world, using it as a form of supplementation… 

And I'll show you where you can get an all natural source of this ‘miracle oil’ that is like lubricant for your mind…

Best part is… it works better than coffee— and reports have shown that it improves cognition by up to 23% when used.

And it’s absorbed by your body very quickly, being ‘shot up’ to the brain… and giving you that ‘neuroplasticity boost’… in less than 30 seconds. Try it for yourself!
This MCT oil allows your mind to effortlessly form new connections and you’ll regain that cognitive sharpness that you had when you were younger…

Allowing you to keep up with conversations, and you’ll never feel ‘left behind’ again.

The second step to having full cognitive health is to repair the connections between your left and right brain.

fMRI scans of the brain in patients aged 60 and older show a reduced activity in the left and right hemisphere of the mind… 

And there’s a neurotoxic substance that stops your left and right brain from working together.

You see, your mind is like an orchestra,

It has to work together, in perfect sync…

In order for you to solve problems, and have short-term memory recall.

As you age, this neurotoxin known as homocysteine, begins to build up.

While most experts will tell you that this toxic substance causes strokes…

The truth is that it also slows your mind down, and causes you to lose cognitive function.

As it even causes premature cell death!

It’s possible to clear this from your mind, simply by activating your liver… and using it to filter out the homocysteine from your bloodstream.

This is done by using a naturally occurring compound, known as carotenoids…

And as long as you eat this 1 leafy green vegetable that I show you on page 25…

Your homocysteine levels will begin to drop²² by up to 28%... allowing your left and right brain to start communicating with each other again.

And the last thing that you need to keep your mind in peak condition…

Is To Prevent ALL build up of ‘brain poison’ known as Amyloid Plaque. 

Amyloid Plaque IS the leading indicator of the onset of dementia.

When this killer substance begins to form in your brain…

They clump together… cutting off the oxygen supply to important parts of your brain like the hippocampus.
When this happens…

Memories begin to fade,

You don’t remember where you’ve placed your keys…

You forget the names of your loved ones… and you might not even remember your own.

As a result, you have to rely on those around you to provide care for you… when you have ‘lapses’ of memory and regain awareness in a place you don’t recognise.

That’s why you can start taking this Amyloid Plaque destroying herb found on page 23.

It turns on your immune system, and it starts breaking down these ‘clumps’ in your brain…

Allowing them to be carried away into the bloodstream, and flushed out of your body.

During my travels to natural disaster locations…

I made a connecting flight to Sri Lanka…

And found a ‘natural sweetener’
that could potentially remedy type 2 diabetes…

This means that you won’t have to worry about small cuts, turning into deadly infections…

You can go back to eating the food that you enjoy…

Potentially saving yourself from expensive weekly visits to the hospital for dialysis and insulin shots that start at $16,572 a year. 

This ‘Natural Sri Lankan Sweetener’ on page 110²³ has been tested both in human clinical trials, and on rats… with an ‘insulin-like’ substance built into its very chemical composition!

This means that this deliciously sweet treat helps your body to trigger a glucose absorbing response, without a single needle even entering your body!

Iit also…

- Opens up your arteries…
- Minimizes allergic reactions acting like an ‘antihistamine’
- Reduces muscle spasms and cramps…
- and prevents stomach ulcers!

When they placed this natural sweetener into an ‘in-vitro’ study…

Lab reports²⁴ have suggested that it has similar effects to insulin shots!

This is one of nature’s biological wonder remedies that big pharma doesn’t want you to know about!

The next healing miracle is for you if you’re struggling with stomach pains.

It Might Just Be An Early Warning
Sign of Pancreatic Cancer,
Which has only a 5% survival rate.

If a greasy meal sends your body into a painful shock…

With strong upper abdominal pain that radiates all the way to your back…

And your heart begins to palpitate…

Feeling like you could throw up at any moment…

It might not just be gastric pain…

But you may have an inflamed pancreas causing the digestive acids to irritate the connective tissue in your digestive tract.

Left untreated… it could spiral into a malignant cancer growing in your pancreas.

This mushroom²⁵ extract on Page 98 will coat the inner lining of your digestive tract…

Instantly soothing any of those painful pancreatic attacks … coating it with a protective, anti-inflammatory film that stops your digestive juices from irritating the cells around you.

And if you always feel tired…

It’s time for you to turn on your body’s metabolism…
And jump out of bed, ready to attack the day!

This is what you can experience, once you TURN ON your body’s power gland…

And no it’s not the mitochondria in your cells…

It has nothing to do with what you eat…

Neither does it have anything to do with your age…

In fact it’s only one small organ located right next to your Adam's apple that’s responsible for the bulk of your energy levels and metabolism!
And if your thyroids are in ‘overdrive’... or ‘shutting down’...

No amount of caffeine or sugar can keep you awake.

Once your thyroids are out of balance…

- Unexplainable weight gain begins to creep up on you
- You feel extreme fatigue, and you’re dead tired struggling to stay awake throughout the day
- You feel ‘brain fog’ and you’re never able to concentrate or focus…
- And this can remain undetected for 5-10 years… even before you discover that your thyroids have been failing you before the symptoms start to come out!

These thyroid glands produce thyroid hormones… which is simply the ‘on switch’ for your body.

It’s like a hormone that tells your body to get up and GO…

As they help to absorb nutrients, turning the food that you eat into energy and calories that you can burn.

When your thyroids are in ‘overdrive’...
They put your body into an unsustainable ‘hyperburn’ state…

Meaning that you can’t get the rest that you need…

Because your heart rate is going through the roof, and those thyroid glands in your body will be filling you up with ‘destructive’ stress based hormones…

Causing you to have frequent, almost unexplainable mood swings…

Making it impossible for you to sleep…

Leaving you completely BURNED out and exhausted…

On the other hand…
When your thyroids are ‘shutting down’...
Your body begins to shut down too…

Your heart rate falls way below what’s healthy… turning you into walking zombies…

Slowing down your metabolism and storing your food as fat instead of energy, causing unexplainable weight gain…

Increasing your sensitivity to cold

Causing your muscles to break down and atrophy…

And leading to rapid hair loss.

That’s Why The Secret To ENDLESS
Energy Begins With A ‘Well Balanced’ Thyroid!

I’ve compiled natural remedies…

For both overactive and underactive thyroids.

Part 1: ‘Slow Down’ An Overactive Thyroid
And Get Deep Restful Sleep

When you flip to page 76²⁶, use this natural amino acid that BLOCKS your cells from absorbing more thyroid hormones than necessary…

And you’ll also find the plant that’s known as the ‘Voodoo Lily’ which suppresses your body’s thyroid hormone production…

And I’ve also included an essential oil that will help to calm your mind…

And an essential oil that will calm your mind, and bring peace to the nervous jitters.
And for underactive thyroids…

Part 2: ‘Wake Up’
A Thyroid That’s Slowing Down.

Kickstart your thyroid glands with the 5 best natural sources of vitamin B, one of them being sesame seeds…

Find the best sources of selenium that help your body create thyroid protecting antioxidants…

And 4 more ways to help your body increase your thyroid production.

With these thyroid remedies at your fingertips…

You have a knob to adjust your
thyroid levels back to
the ‘Goldilocks Condition’...

Where your body is getting adequate rest…

While still burning off that stubborn fat, turning the food that you eat into energy that you can use,

And you’ll have a clear, ‘brain fog’ free mind that’s ready to go anytime you want.

Here’s everything you’ll get in
The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies

This is a 40,000 word tome of with over 300 of best remedies that I’ve found across the entire world,

With clinical grade medical research to back up every single one of these remedies…

So that they’re not just ‘folk remedies’...

But instead proven folk remedies that have been put to the test by doctors in disaster situations…

So that you can avoid depending on a health care system that’s out to get you.

These natural remedies are easy to find, and can be made from foods and herbs that you can find at your grocery store…

While some of them can even be grown in your backyard!

It’s my mission to bring back health into your hands…

So that you can be independent, and you know ALL the options that are available to you…

Without being pigeonholed into western medicine and stuck with the limited options that big pharma gives you.

This 40,000 word book is easy to use…

Simply flip to the table of contents…

Look for the ailment that you’re currently facing right now,

Whether it’s arthritis, back pain… or even low energy levels,

Find a list of proven natural remedies to help your body heal from within…

And begin your journey to independent, affordable health— that’s free from Big Pharma!

Each chapter explains the root cause of your condition,
and it gives you the best herbs, ingredients and healthcare protocols…

On how to diagnose, treat, and remedy
over 80 of the most common ailments
that seniors face today.

Here’s a short snippet of everything that you’ll find inside:

  • How to remedy a migraine with ginger (See Page 43)
  • Avoid these 7 foods if you have a headache (See Page 41)
  • Reduce menstrual pain with ‘antispasmodic’ herbs that relax your muscles (See Page 139)
  • How to use salt therapy to clear your lungs, and simulate different climates (See Page 60)
  • Strengthen your immune system WITHOUT vitamin C- there’s a much better vitamin that will help you (Page 68)
  • How to remedy a fever with green tea (See Page 153)
  • 4 natural remedies to impotence, and the secrets to lasting all night in bed! 5 grams is all you need to get going. (See Page 143)
  • 3 homemade gargle to remedy painful sore throats, they reduce inflammation and stop your viral infections from spreading (See page 70)
  • Clear Gallstones With These 3 Yoga Poses That ‘Push’ Them Out of Your Gallbladder (Page 95)
  • Prevent Urinary Tract Infections with ‘proanthocyanidin’ juice that prevents bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract walls. (See Page 123)
  • Reduce asthma symptoms by using Buteyko breathing (See Page 58)
  • Relieve muscle pain and muscle weakness with this one type of salt that helps your body absorb magnesium which is essential for muscle growth. (See Page 135)
  • How To Release ‘Painkiller Hormones’ during painful menstrual cramps. (See Page 139)
  • Nature’s Mouthwash: Clear bad breath and kill the ‘stink causing’ bacteria! (See page 150)
And this is just 14 out of the 300 natural remedies that I can’t wait to share with you… 

I’ve sworn on my conscience to pass down the latest breakthroughs in medicine to those who need it most…

And to never fall again for Big Pharma’s LIES…

It’s my mission to share these breakthrough natural remedies with you…

So that every American knows their options,

And they can make an informed decision about their health.

It’s important to me that you’re not just fed with the ‘cookie’ cutter solutions to your health ailments, but instead…

You get to see the full spectrum of alternative medicine that’s been backed by scientific research from universities all over the world…

And you have the freedom of choice to choose what’s right for you.

And you’re not going for just the most ‘expensive’ or ‘hyped up’ medical prescription… without knowing the true side effects and complications of what could happen to you.

Let me ask you a question…

What would be your first reaction to solving a disease?

Would it be to…

A) Consult your doctor… and get limited advice that’s been ‘sponsored’ and BOUGHT over by Big Pharma…

B) Educate yourself on all the possible solutions, side effects, and prescriptions that your doctors recommend… So that you can make an informed choice about your health.

I’d choose option B any day… 

Option B Gives You Freedom of Choice,
And It Gives You Natural Remedies That Work
Saving You From The Big Pharma Scam.

Imagine what it would feel like…

To say goodbye to those ‘life sucking’ diseases and conditions– that threaten to cut your retirement short and bankrupt you the moment you fall ill…

Or leaving you immobile, stuck on meds, with frequent trips to the ER and physicians just to get your vitals checked…

Without the energy, pain-free life, or cognitive ability to…

Spend Your Golden Years Doing What Matters To You… 

Your golden years are THE time that you start to live…

You’re now in a place where you should be able to enjoy life!

Pay for your grandchildren’s tuition…

Spend quality time with your spouse and loved ones…

Travel the world in full health, to the most exotic beautiful locations… without having to worry about ‘packing your medications’ or taking your pills wherever you go…
Whenever you feel the urge to escape, live life, and pack your bags…

You simply just book a flight, and leave for paradise!

Those days where you’re waking up to beautiful sunsets,

And winding down with a margarita in your hand ( drink in moderation of course )...

Looking back at how you’ve lived your best life.

This Is all within reach– once you take care of your health, and start using The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies…

With this one book…

Your immunity will be at its ‘disease fighting peak’...

Managing the onset of pancreatic cancer cells, before they spread into malignant tumors in the body...

Turning every piece of food that you eat into bursting energy that you can use to fuel your day…

And allowing you to live a pain-free, mobile life…

Where you get to go out and enjoy the natural world, and scenery…

Without back pain, arthritis, or aches in your body holding you back— causing ‘knife’ like pains with every step that you take.

Today, You Could Take Back Control of Your Health, and reclaim freedom over your body AND
Say NO to Big Pharma’s Propaganda…

Say no to their lies.

Say no to the hidden side effects that suppress, just to keep you hooked on their meds.

Say no to closing your mind to the powers of natural remedies.

It’s your right to know all the options that are available to you.

ALL of the remedies that have been backed by hundreds of clinical journals to reverse even the MOST deadliest conditions…


Big Pharma Has Got You In A
‘Money Making’ Chokehold.

If you choose to only listen to what your doctor has to say…

You’ll find your nest egg creeping closer to zero every single day.

And you’ll have to rely on your loved ones to provide for you…

Your children will be thinking about how they can ‘scrape’ together enough savings just to pay for your medical bills,

Hoping to give you the best health care possible.

You don’t have to pass this burden on your children, when you discover the remedies that I’ve put together in The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies.

You’ll be able to save big and PREVENT diseases from coming to haunt you…

And use the $200,000 that you would be paying for Triple Bypass Surgery…

To spend on the things that you want- the vacations that you want…

Using the all natural monacolin K, that’s chemically the same as your statins…

And the ‘Sri Lankan Sweetener’ that absorbs your body’s LDL cholesterol… sucking out this deadly fat from your arteries…

Leaving you free from the looming fear of a heart attack or stroke hitting you when you least expect it!

You can save $48,000 a
year for cancer treatment…

Build up your immunity system…

So that they start ‘hunting’ down these malignant cancer cells, even before they start to spread in your body…

and put these cancer cells out of business…

Before they even have the chance to grow into full blown tumors that require surgery .

And when chronic pain begins to creep up on you…

Where your joints begin to ache just a little bit more every day…

Where every step begins to take just a little more effort and willpower than it used to…

You’ll now be armed with the vasodilating cream from traditional chinese medicine…

And the gout flushing tea that will put an end to rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Most importantly…

You’ll Get To Say NO to Opioid Prescriptions
and never risk your life being hooked on them…

Big Pharma is like a drug dealer…

They don’t tell you how their prescriptions are chemically similar to opioids like heroin…

And just like a dealer…

All it takes is just one pill, and one dose of prescriptions…

To get you hooked– turning you into their customers for life.

And those hidden side effects that come up when you start using their prescriptions…

Are just the next opportunity for them to sell you their next pill!

Don’t be fooled, and do your own research. Take control of your health, and understand what’s available to you before you say yes to your doctor.

The Insights That You’ll Get In The Encyclopedia Of Natural Remedies Could Save You Tens of Thousands of Dollars…

And it’s helped thousands of Americans to regain independence over their health…

Take their health back into their own hands, with the natural remedies that I’ve shared.

And this is what they have to say…
Almost Miraculous Natural Remedies!
“Your remedies Are HANDS DOWN AMAZING. I’ve been using your natural remedies for the past month, and they’ve been life changing. I was easily able to find remedies to the recent ailments that I’ve had. The graphics were very informative too!”
I’m now move freely without discomfort!
“ My knees have been killing me for years, and I was told that I had to live with it… or get surgery. I’m 65 this year and I thought that I had to cancel my travel plans with my wife as the pain kept getting worse. I decided to go your way. Now I can walk, climb stairs, and travel wherever I want to without worry about my mobility! Thank you for giving me a new lease of life!” 
I feel like a teenager again– It’s like I’m 23 years younger!
“My transformation was unbelievable. I’d lost 40-45 pounds and I’ve kept it off for a year. My blood sugar is normal. Blood pressure is 113/80. My grandchildren tell me that I look much younger now– and it’s all thanks to you.”

The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies Will Show You Have To Feel Young, Happy, Full of Life and Ready To Seize The Day, every single morning.

You deserve to live wherever you want – and not stuck in a retirement home with others looking after you.

Just think about how free you’ll feel, once you’re equipped with these 300 natural disease fighting remedies, that will put you in the pink of health…

With nothing stopping you from living the retirement that you want to live.

The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies has remedies that could save you tens of thousands of dollars…

And it’s worth at least $997…

But since you’re here today– you’re going to get it for pennies on the dollar.

Only on this page…

You’ll get access to The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies for just $37.

Don’t wait any longer… order The Encyclopedia of Natural Health Remedies Now

And if you’re worried that you’re not going to get life changing information from The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies…

Here’s A Risk-Free Way For You To Try Out The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies For 60 Days!

Get The Encyclopedia of Natural Health Remedies now, and start using it. If for some reason, you find that the remedies don’t work for you, even though it’s worked for every single person who’s used these PROVEN ancient secrets— or you just decide that the breakthrough health secrets that you discover in The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies are not for you, I’m offering you a money-back guarantee that lasts for 60 days.

The order process is fully secure and guaranteed. If it isn’t for you, or even if you change your mind, I want you to be refunded in full.

If for any reason you’re not satisfied, you have 60 days to request a refund of 100% of what you paid.

That Means That You’ll Have Found The
Remedies To America’s Biggest Killers…
Or You Pay Nothing.

If you’re ready to make the smartest decision of your life, click the add to cart button right now.
The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies is a digital product. This means no waiting for shipping and instant access to these remedies.

You can access The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies on your computer, tablet, or smartphone, or print it out and read it wherever you are.

Do what’s right for you and your family’s health, hit that button below and fill in your details on the next screen.

In case you have questions, I’ve collected a few of the most common ones here to answer: 

+Do The Natural Remedies Really Work?

Yes. You've seen the transformational stories. People who have followed the program were able to save thousands on their medical bills, and they were able to go back to feeling younger, more vigorous and full of energy. In fact, the remedies have helped to change the lives of over 1,248 Americans to date.

+Is it scientifically proven?

Yes. Each of the natural remedies that I recommend has been backed by years of research, even being proven by multiple scientific journals, with double blind clinical trials and tests that go back 2-10 years. Everything you will get in The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies has been scrutinized by multiple experts and is of the highest quality.

+Why hasn't my doctor told me about this yet?

As I've said, most doctors have been bought over by big pharma, and they've been made to push whatever is 'conventional' in the scientific literature now. They don't take the effort to look beyond what western medicine presents, and they're not exposed to the remedies that have been found all across Asia to America's deadliest health conditions.

+Are these natural remedies hard to find?

No. We show you exactly what you need to buy, where you can get them, and how the exact dosage of the natural remedies. This means that you'll be able to slash your medical bills, and take back control of your health.

+How Will I Receive The Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies?

You'll get instant access via email, where you'll be able to access it through any document reading software on your computer, smartphone or desktop.

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Here’s everything your child is getting in the 1-day Full Stack Chemistry Immersion Program.

  • Unleash Your Inner Chemistry Genuis E-Book (37+ Pages)
  • Online Learning Library (61 bite-sized chemistry explainer videos.
  • Live Atomic Bonding Workshop designed by Ex-MOE Head of Chemistry
  • 15-min Chemistry Test To Discover Your Child’s Weakest Links And Strongest Chemistry Topics.
  • Personalised Study Revision Timetable Crafted by our lead tutors, designed to address each of their weaknesses, with detailed practices, and concepts that they need to revisit.
Once you’ve registered…

Our admin staff will schedule a day to onboard your child through the full stack immersion progam.

And because of it’s intensive nature, we can only do this on weekends,

And we have to prepare 3-5 days in advance, because of the personalised nature of this program.